Saturday, June 25, 2016

Family Chore Calendar

Happy Saturday! So today I spent a good portion of my day cleaning my house... you know the little messes that just add up. (Especially on the weekends). One of my biggest pet peeves is starting a Sunday with a messy house! Messy = Stressy.... cute I know.

My family is wonderful. They LOVE to make mommy happy. The problem with this is, children are not going to just jump up and say "Hey, I think today I'll clean all my toys and just do everything WITHOUT mom asking." It just doesn't happen. And as far as my husband is concerned. He is amazing. He really is. He helps out SO much, but he himself has told me that he is a "guy" and needs a lot more direction, and he has specifically asked me to just tell him what I want done. That sounds like an open ticket right? Well, I HATE sounding like a naggy wife, and I just want my home to be one that is filled with happiness and peace.

Because I am a "white personality" (look it up), I tend to just do it all myself. I'm not saying I don't get frustrated, I'm just saying I just do it...

This morning, as I thought about the way my family works, I decided that I was just going to write it all out, make it easy for them to see what mommy wants. Below I am sharing with you my Family Chore Calendar I created, and maybe it can help you and your sweet family too.


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