Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What is stress?... and a tip for the giveaway

Stress is finding out your house DID officially sell, and you have ONE WEEK to be out, and 2 days to prepare for the inspection! OH yah, and taking care of two little rugrats! Oh boy you guys! I MIGHT just go crazy here!

For those of you who are new to the world of... well, me... I am a perfectionist... to the core. I have been slaving away for days making my home look perfect for the inspector/appraiser... all while trying to pack my house (while my 16 month old UNpacks my house and my 4 year old cries that she doesn't want a new house!)

Bribing my children with chocolate chips and the promise of a brand new trampoline when we move have become 2nd nature now.

The only thing more nerve racking than finding someone to buy your house, is proving to the lenders, the appraiser, and the inspectors that your house is indeed worth every penny you possibly can.

Am I crazy for being paranoid about this?

The sell of this house has truly been an act of God! A real life miracle before my very eyes! I have faith that He won't let me down now!


In other news... DON'T forget about the awesome giveaway. I've had a few people email me telling me they can't figure out how to follow the blogs!

If you are on a phone, on my blog, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click the link that says view web version, then on the right hand side you should be able to find where it says "follow me" and click that! (xoxo)

To follow Sidnee, do the same thing, and then on the right hand side at the very top she has her followers follow by email. Just plug in your email there and you are all set!

Then don't forget to comment on the Giveaway post "DONE!"

I hope you are all having a beautiful week, but I must get back to taping boxes!

Wish me luck!


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