Monday, November 2, 2015

Living Crude { and a winner }

You guys, I have been so excited to write this post! Have you ever searched and searched and searched for something, and then after a lot of money spent, and time spent, and frustration, you find the holy grail? 

I have found the holy grail folks! The holy grail of face wash. 

The craziest part is that it is OIL! Yes, that's right, I wash my face with OIL. Not just any oil, Crude Oil. This stuff is seriously the best, the bee's knees, the cats meow... you get the idea! 

A sweet friend of mine, and beauty guru, directed me toward Crude when I expressed to her my frustrations. 

I had just recently stopped nursing, and all of a sudden my skin hated EVERYTHING. All at once! It eventually calmed down, but I was still struggling to get my clear skin back! I told her how I'd tried everything from switching make up, to changing face washes, etc. 4 months of pure misery trying to get my clear complexion back. 

I was actually super nervous to try this Crude Oil, because well, it was oil. And the idea of putting OIL on my face to clean it, seriously freaked my mind out. But Bree promised me that it would be exactly what I was looking for, so I went ahead and purchased it. 

It came in, and I let it sit on the counter for a few days, again, terrified to put OIL all over my face. 

As much as I hate to even share this picture.. Here is the nasty that my skin was putting out, unedited.. pure unadulterated chaos. It's even hard to tell in this picture just how bad it actually was getting. 


I swear you guys, I noticed a difference in ONE washing. ONE! It took about a week to have my clear skin back! But It is back and it feels great!!

The oil is all organic, with essential oils! It smells like a spa, and feels AMAZING.
And the pull microfiber cloths are probably the best part of the entire thing. I can literally feel the cloth pulling dirt out of my skin. The cloth is actually so effective at pulling dirt out of my face, if I don't use the oil with it, I start to get really dried out... and that is with NO soap! So that should tell you how effective the cloths are!

I just wet my face, and put half a vile of oil on my fingertips and rub it all around on my face, and then finish with the other half making sure I got everywhere, with my make up on! Then I get the pull cloth as hot as I can stand it, and I lay it on my face for a few deep breaths, and then in circular motions I pull all the oil and dirt off my face! The cloth removes everything!!!! Even my mascara!!!

Then I use about 3 drops of the oil as my moisturizer after my face is all cleaned up.

My skin is clear, my make up has NEVER gone on so perfectly before. I am not using harsh chemicals, or damaging my face, and my skin hasn't looked this good in years!

Completely unedited "selfie" (cute little crazy haired witch in the background).

My skin is happy, soft, and I swear my fine lines are even getting "softer". 
They even have a line for men with beards to soften up that scruff! 

It's amazing stuff!

I am SO excited to share with you that the incredible people at Crude have decided to give my readers 15% off for ONE WEEK! You seriously don't want to miss this guys! It's the best thing I've done for my skin!

Coupon code is:


I suggest starting with the starter kit. 
It comes with 3 pull clothes, your everything cleansing oil, and the face mask (which is AWESOME!)

I would LOVE to see your results! Tag me in Instagram @kelsieloustanfill #livecrude


Rachel has revealed to me the winner of the giveaway..

.....Drum roll please.....


Make sure you get in touch with Rachel to get your $20 toward your purchase with Mary & Martha

1 comment

  1. I want to try thisnso bad. Ive heard from so many people that it is awesome


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