Monday, November 9, 2015

Lessons of a Lady

Happy Monday.

I am so excited today to introduce a new segment for my blog. It is something I have been working on and so excited about for a while. I recently was looking through to find a very specific book, and while searching for it, I came across a book titled "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World". As a true Audrey Hepburn fan, I chuckled a little at first, but then I started to think about how accurate that description of our world was.

Our society has progressed so much in the last 50 years, not necessarily all bad, and not necessarily all good, as you can tell from reading the news. Looking at the women of society today, can you believe that a short time ago women weren't even allowed to wear anything other than a dress/skirt out of the house?

I do love fashion, and I do love pants! In no way do I think we need to go back to that time in history, however, I do wish so much that the etiquette and manners were still as heavily prevalent now as they were then. Chivalry, class, elegance, manners, etc...

You can find all sorts of smut all around the internet, in an abundance, an over abundance really, but what I wish to share with all of you are the things that I believe in, and am raising my sweet daughters to incorporate into their every day lives.

Elegance, class, tact, etiquette and all other "Hepburn" traits are what this world really needs more of.

Without further ado, let's get right to it.

The First Lesson of a Lady is...

A Lady Holds Her Head High, But Never Her Nose

Holding your head high means you have confidence and are proud of who you are. Note, I did not say prideful. That's where the "never her nose" part comes in. A lady can be confident in herself, and take pride in who she is without being prideful and conceited. 

When you walk through your life, you want to hold your head high enough to walk with great posture and poise, but not so high that you cannot see others around you, and not so high as to be unaware of those who need your love and service. 

Obviously when I say not to hold your nose high, I don't quite mean to never put your physical nose in the air, but rather to refrain from snobbery, snubbing others and turing our nose up at people, gifts, service. A lady is poised and proper but not stuck up. 

Keep your spirits and your confidence up, while refraining from ever hurting others by insinuating or eluding to the fact that you are better than anyone, or too good for anything. 

These are the lessons that I strive each day to teach my young daughters. Manners are a must, never an optional trait. These are the things that are important to me when raising little ladies, as well as in the way I carry myself and present myself. It is important to me because I respect myself, and others enough to hold myself accountable and to keep my standards for myself and others high. I hope you will find as much enjoyment from these posts as I do. They are fitting for all ages! Thank you for joining me today, and for taking the time to read my blog. It truly is an honor and a blessing to have you here.

I am so thrilled to be starting this segment. Stay tuned for a new Lesson of a Lady each week. Including etiquette on dinning out, thank you cards, setting a table and so much more.


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