Monday, November 16, 2015

Lesson of A Lady: A Lady Graciously Accepts Compliments

I just wanted to start this week with a disclaimer: I am in no way perfect at all of these "Lesson of A Lady" blogs. Everyone is human, and we all have our struggles. Today's "Lesson of A Lady" just so happens to be one of my struggles:

A Lady Graciously Accepts Compliments

I do not always find it so easy to accept a compliment when it is given. If I am complimented on a meal I made, I often think of all the things I could have done differently to make it better. If someone compliments the way I look that day, I often think how my hair didn't cooperate, or my make up didn't go on just right. It is so easy, being our own worst critics, to deny a compliment. This is something that I am working on.

When accepting a compliment, a lady should accept it graciously, meaning "with grace". One should not boast, or be prideful in the compliment.

This is a fine line you are walking. You do not want to shut down the compliment with false humility, fishing for more compliments or for the other person to be insistent. However, you do not want to be too prideful and too eager to accept the compliment in complete agreeance, appearing to be arrogant and, well, stuck up.

When given a compliment, a lady should simply reply with something both grateful and gracious.

"That is so kind of you to say, thank you."
"You are very sweet."
"How nice of you to notice."

It is also a wonderfully graceful thing to return a compliment with a compliment:

"That was so sweet of you to say, I love your ____."
"Thank you for noticing, you are such a kind person."

One of the most simple yet powerful phrases, in any language, is "Thank you". If accepting a compliment is hard for you, keep it simple. You do not have to explain anything, justify anything, or require reasoning behind the compliment. Simply just respond with, "Thank you."

Have a beautiful, marvelous evening.



  1. I've often wondered how to reply to compliments, so I just love these ideas! I like how you suggest pointing out the other person's kindness--it shows you are focused on them, not yourself. I also like to say, "That means so much to me--I really look up to you."

  2. I usually respond, "What a nice thing to say!"

  3. Great advice. Being able to accept a compliment is a sign of confidence. We don't have to be self deprecating.

  4. This blog post reads like a compliment to life! It's very thoughtful.

  5. Thank you for the reminder. You can forget this in todays society.

  6. Compliments are great and being able to receive one without diminishing it is a skill, thanks for helping to find a way


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