Saturday, November 21, 2015

DIY: Crate and Barrel Thankful Salad Plate

So a few weeks ago I was doing some online "window" shopping. I was drooling over some home decor form Pier One and Pottery Barn, then I ventured over to Crate and Barrel. I didn't have any real intention on buying anything, since I am in between homes right now, and will not be in our new home in time for the holidays (sad face). But I digress.

When I got to Crate and Barrel I found something I just loved. I HAD. TO. HAVE. IT!

Not only was it not available online, but there wasn't a store anywhere near where I would be that was carrying it. It was a lost cause! I was heart broken.

And then a little voice in my head, you know, the one who FEEDS off of Pinterest, said to me "You could totally make your own..."... and so I did.

I hopped on and ordered a bunch of plain white plates (I ordered porcelain, but you could do ceramic as well). These are the plates I ordered.

Then I ordered an oil based gold sharpie, see here.

When my amazon order came in, I was way to excited to wait. I started doodling on the first plate the second I got it opened. Before I knew it, all of them were adorned with the word "thankful". I also decided to trace around the outside of the plate with the gold, to make it more like fine china.

I wrote on my freehand, but you can also use stencils, or create your own patterns using a die cut machine.

To bake the sharpie onto the plate, place your plates (or other dishes) directly onto the rack with the oven completely cooled. Then turn the oven on, with the plates already inside. Bake at 350 degrees, set your timer for 30 minutes.

After the timer goes off, turn the oven off, and let the plates stay inside the oven until it cools completely! Once cool, you can remove them, and admire your one of a kind, made by hand, beautiful holiday platter. I am crazy about mine, and can't WAIT to use them for Thanksgiving.

Did I mention I saved more than HALF by doing it myself? The Crate and Barrel plates were $6 a piece. and I was able to make them (including plates AND markers) for $2.90 a piece!

I LOVE that they are my own, and they were a penny saver!

Here are my plates completed:

I would love to see your completed holiday plates/dishes! Comment below with a picture!



  1. Yours turned out so pretty!! I spotted your post at the Inspired By You party and just had to stop by and check these out :)

    1. Awe, Thank you!!! You just made my day! I am so glad you stopped by! :D

  2. Um these are freaking adorable Kelsie! I will definitely need to remember this for next year!!


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