Thursday, December 10, 2015
Brownie Peppermint Christmas Cookies
Friday, December 4, 2015
Red "Rose" Velvet Peppermint Cake
- 1 "wab" Cup of Crisco
- 1/4 cup of Milk (possibly adding more later depending on texture desired)
- 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract-
- A Dash of Salt
- 4-5 Cups (or more) of Powdered Sugar (Add until you reach your desired texture)
Friday, November 27, 2015
Black Friday Beauty Round-Up
The Christmas Season is officially upon us now (HOORAY!). Today is the Friday after Thanksgiving, which obviously means...
I am really not one to go out into all the crazy. I never have, and I really never plan on it. I prefer to stay home in the warm, in my sweats, eating pie for breakfast... but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a killer deal as much as the next beauty lover.
I have rounded up some of my favorite Black Friday Deals for 2015 and included them all here for your ease and sweat-pant-shopping-comfort.
Here are my top favs this year:
1. Crude Oil:
This is my go-to (one and only) face wash. I seriously would rather wash my face with JUST water than put anything other than Crude oil on my face! It is the absolute best face wash I've ever used. And today they have EVERYTHING on their site 40% off... you can bet I stocked up! Even their starter kit is 40% off. If you've been wanting to try Crude Oil, NOW is the time! Head on over!

2. NuMe Curling Wand:
This is the "magic" wand I curl my hair with. Nothing beats this wand, or any name product for that matter. I am in love with my wands, and my NuMe Oils, brushes, towels, etc... The wand isn't the only thing on sale!
This Black Friday deal is incredible you guys, over $100 off!!!
Head on over to NuMe and get your pretty on!
3. Sephora:
This one is usually pretty obvious for beauty lovers, but sometimes it's nice to have a gentle reminder! Sephora has amazing $10 beauty deals, while supplies last of course! Including Urban Decay, Benefit Pore minimizer, Skin care, and so much more!
4. Kate Spade:
Kate Spade is having an amazing deal too. 75% off amazing. If you had your eye on that gorgeous Kate Spade bag during my giveaway, I suggest you head on over to Kate Spade right now and take advantage of her amazing deals. This is her surprise sale, so make sure you go through THIS LINK, and not the main web page!
5. Victoria's Secret:
$25 Perfume.... Honest and truly! I'm not making this up. I think this one speaks for itself. Not body mists ladies... PERFUME. The real deal. Victoria's Secret is that she loves to SPOIL! I just recently tried the perfume "Tease" from them, and I HIGHLY recommend it.
There is also free shipping on orders of $50 or more: SHIP50FREE
$20 off an order of $125: 20OFF125
You can use more than one coupon code at Victoria's Secret, I LOVE that!
Don't miss this fantastic sale!
Monday, November 23, 2015
Lessons of a Lady: A Lady Is Gracious
- 1.courteous, kind, and pleasant."smiling and gracious in defeat"
synonyms: courteous, polite, civil, chivalrous, well mannered, mannerly, decorous; tactful, diplomatic;kind, benevolent, considerate, thoughtful, obliging, accommodating, indulgent, magnanimous;friendly, amiable, cordial, hospitable"a gracious hostess"
Although Thanksgiving is a day set aside for us to be Thankful for all that we have, a true happy and lovely Lady will be gracious and thankful for all that she has each and every day.
I feel like, especially in today's society, our culture is starting to lose the big picture of just how blessed we really are. I have to be honest, one of my least favorite hashtags on the internet is the hashtag "First world problems". I know it might just be me, but it screams "spoiled" and "ungrateful" to me. I know most of them are done in jest, but I still have a hard time with this one.
To be gracious is to be grateful and to do it gracefully. In our home, we have "magic words", as I am sure most of you out there already know exactly what I am talking about, I won't beat around the bush. The magic words are:
Thank you
You're welcome
I'm sorry
My oldest daughter knows (and soon our other daughter will learn too) that in order to receive something you want, it can only happen if you say please, IN ADDITION, if there is no thank you given as well, she knows that it can, and most likely, will be taken away until she says thank you.
I feel so strongly about my children being grateful and saying thank you that I grind it into their cute little minds from day one! My baby is starting to talk, and although her vocabulary is still very small, and full of mostly gibberish, one of the most distinct words that she says is "Thank you!"
If a 17 month old can say it, shouldn't everyone be able to say it?
So then, what does it mean to be gracefully grateful? Or Gracious rather? The way I think of graciousness is in relation to a dancer (knowing me, that shouldn't surprise you). When a dancer is described as graceful, that usually means she performed her routine in such a beautiful and elegant way that it appeared to be effortless, as though she was simply floating across the stage. Graciousness is the effortless, beautiful and elegant form in which one shows gratitude and appreciation. Instead of empty "my mother made me say thanks, so... uh yea, thanks", or even the all-to-present head nod (really, when did this become an acceptable form of gratitude? If you were really grateful you would take a moment away from your "important" phone call, text message, or social media post on your phone, make eye contact and express a sincere "Thank you!" to the person who you should express your gratitude for.
***Once again, I do not profess to be perfect at any or all of these lessons. Some of them I have learned through trial and error, some of them I have been born with. Some are results of the moral compass installed in me from my parents, and some, honestly I am still working on.
This one however, is one I am deeply committed to. When you are in the check out stand, or a fast food line, or anywhere there is another person "serving" you in any way... Put your phone away! Say thank you, make eye contact! If it's a super important phone call, at least show the courtesy of putting your phone on your shoulder, and again MAKE EYE CONTACT! and say Thank you!
When you take the time to express your sincere gratitude for the efforts of those around you, then you have passed from "thanks dude" to an elegant and tactful display of common courtesy and sincere graciousness.
If someone holds a door open for you, and elevator, or even offers you a cab/uber or to share! Never, ever, should you EVER ignore that person, in anyway! I will say this in regards to ignoring the kind efforts of others: they did NOT have to do that for you! We live in a world of entitled people who stroll through life only thinking of themselves. When a door is held open for them, they act as though it was expected, that they were somehow dubbed the Queen/King of England somewhere between their front door and the grocery store. No one owes us anything, and by understand that, one can truly grasp the importance of sincere gratitude and graciousness.
So this Thanksgiving, why not take a little extra effort in expressing your Thanks to all those you cross paths with. Heck, let's extend it for the entire Holiday Season!
To be gracious is to be considerate of others feelings in every situation. A gracious lady will always look for ways to make others feel as comfortable as possible.
One way I look at it is, when someone took the time to stop, and hold a door open for me, that was their way of stepping outside of their own "me centered world" and opening their world to mine, it is then my job to open my world back up to them, and acknowledge what a kind, selfless, and generous act that was for them. The fact that they noticed my arms were full of toddlers, or groceries, or the simple chivalry shown by men opening a door for me, taking the time to notice I was a women. I know these probably sound crazy to some of you, but I am a people watcher, and I will tell you in the last 10 years or so I have noticed more and more that people are less and less in a shared world and more and more in their "own little world". Thanks to technology in part and also the ideals that we have slowly developed that the world somehow owes us something, and we are all important... if you took the time to just sit and watch people, it might actually be startling to you to realize how many people completely ignore the presence of those around them, let alone the kind acts of service and selflessness that happen.
A acknowledgement, eye contact and a thank you accompanied by a smile is really all it takes for a Lady to be Gracious, and lovely.
To take this a step further, to be a truly gracious person, one is kind, courteous, grateful, pleasant and all of those other synonyms referred to above, including in times that are unpleasant. Being a gracious loser, when you lose a game. Being the one that opens the door for others, and extends a helping hand... and so forth.
Although graciousness is both so much, yet so simple at the same time, encompassing so many characteristics into one simple and elegant trait, I chose to focus on the gratitude portion of graciousness today due to the upcoming Holiday, but a Lady will be gracious in all aspect of her life.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
DIY: Crate and Barrel Thankful Salad Plate
When I got to Crate and Barrel I found something I just loved. I HAD. TO. HAVE. IT!
Not only was it not available online, but there wasn't a store anywhere near where I would be that was carrying it. It was a lost cause! I was heart broken.
And then a little voice in my head, you know, the one who FEEDS off of Pinterest, said to me "You could totally make your own..."... and so I did.
I hopped on and ordered a bunch of plain white plates (I ordered porcelain, but you could do ceramic as well). These are the plates I ordered.
Then I ordered an oil based gold sharpie, see here.
When my amazon order came in, I was way to excited to wait. I started doodling on the first plate the second I got it opened. Before I knew it, all of them were adorned with the word "thankful". I also decided to trace around the outside of the plate with the gold, to make it more like fine china.
I wrote on my freehand, but you can also use stencils, or create your own patterns using a die cut machine.
To bake the sharpie onto the plate, place your plates (or other dishes) directly onto the rack with the oven completely cooled. Then turn the oven on, with the plates already inside. Bake at 350 degrees, set your timer for 30 minutes.
After the timer goes off, turn the oven off, and let the plates stay inside the oven until it cools completely! Once cool, you can remove them, and admire your one of a kind, made by hand, beautiful holiday platter. I am crazy about mine, and can't WAIT to use them for Thanksgiving.
Did I mention I saved more than HALF by doing it myself? The Crate and Barrel plates were $6 a piece. and I was able to make them (including plates AND markers) for $2.90 a piece!
I LOVE that they are my own, and they were a penny saver!
Here are my plates completed:
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Thanksgiving Apple Crisp Ice Cream from Cupcake Diaries
Hey Cuties! I am so excited today to have one of my favorite bloggers of all time guest posting on my blog! I feel truly honored. I am also super excited to share with all of you what she has to offer. Today she will be sharing with us a new Thanksgiving dessert idea. This is going to go perfect with all the pies I'll be making.
Hi! I'm Alli from Cupcake Diaries and I am thrilled to be guest posting today at I love Kelsie's blog and everything that she shares here. Especially her "Lesson of a Lady" series! Too fun. Today I'm sharing a dessert recipe that is such a yummy spin on traditional Thanksgiving desserts. After making this Apple Crisp Ice Cream, I realized it's one of my favorite desserts I've ever made.
Yep, it's THAT good.
The apple crisp in the ice cream stays nice and crunchy and doesn't get mushy. It's a beautiful thing. And you can add as much or as little apple crisp as you like. This ice cream is seriously amazing. Serve with caramel topping for an indulgent dessert on Thanksgiving day.
No need for an ice cream maker with this recipe! You can use a stand mixer or an electric hand mixer.
Apple Crisp Ice Cream
makes 1.5 quarts
- 1 batch Easy Apple Crisp
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 pint heavy cream
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- caramel topping
Serve with caramel topping and enjoy!
I hope you enjoy this ice cream as much as I do!
I had so much fun being here today. If you're looking for more yummy treat recipes as well as family friendly and fast dinner ideas, come on over to my blog! You can also find me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Lesson of A Lady: A Lady Graciously Accepts Compliments
A Lady Graciously Accepts Compliments
When accepting a compliment, a lady should accept it graciously, meaning "with grace". One should not boast, or be prideful in the compliment.
This is a fine line you are walking. You do not want to shut down the compliment with false humility, fishing for more compliments or for the other person to be insistent. However, you do not want to be too prideful and too eager to accept the compliment in complete agreeance, appearing to be arrogant and, well, stuck up.
When given a compliment, a lady should simply reply with something both grateful and gracious.
"That is so kind of you to say, thank you."
"You are very sweet."
"How nice of you to notice."
It is also a wonderfully graceful thing to return a compliment with a compliment:
"That was so sweet of you to say, I love your ____."
"Thank you for noticing, you are such a kind person."
One of the most simple yet powerful phrases, in any language, is "Thank you". If accepting a compliment is hard for you, keep it simple. You do not have to explain anything, justify anything, or require reasoning behind the compliment. Simply just respond with, "Thank you."
Have a beautiful, marvelous evening.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Kate Spade & Sephora Giveaway
Kate Spade Cedar Street Maise Handbag in Rose Jade + a $100 Sephora Gift Card! I’ve teamed up with some of the best shops and bloggers on Instagram to give one of our followers this early Christmas gift! *Giveaway is open to participants in the US only.
Want to Enter? Head on over to Instagram!
Monday, November 9, 2015
Lessons of a Lady
Happy Monday.
I am so excited today to introduce a new segment for my blog. It is something I have been working on and so excited about for a while. I recently was looking through to find a very specific book, and while searching for it, I came across a book titled "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World". As a true Audrey Hepburn fan, I chuckled a little at first, but then I started to think about how accurate that description of our world was.
Our society has progressed so much in the last 50 years, not necessarily all bad, and not necessarily all good, as you can tell from reading the news. Looking at the women of society today, can you believe that a short time ago women weren't even allowed to wear anything other than a dress/skirt out of the house?
I do love fashion, and I do love pants! In no way do I think we need to go back to that time in history, however, I do wish so much that the etiquette and manners were still as heavily prevalent now as they were then. Chivalry, class, elegance, manners, etc...
You can find all sorts of smut all around the internet, in an abundance, an over abundance really, but what I wish to share with all of you are the things that I believe in, and am raising my sweet daughters to incorporate into their every day lives.
Elegance, class, tact, etiquette and all other "Hepburn" traits are what this world really needs more of.
Without further ado, let's get right to it.
The First Lesson of a Lady is...
Holding your head high means you have confidence and are proud of who you are. Note, I did not say prideful. That's where the "never her nose" part comes in. A lady can be confident in herself, and take pride in who she is without being prideful and conceited.
When you walk through your life, you want to hold your head high enough to walk with great posture and poise, but not so high that you cannot see others around you, and not so high as to be unaware of those who need your love and service.
Obviously when I say not to hold your nose high, I don't quite mean to never put your physical nose in the air, but rather to refrain from snobbery, snubbing others and turing our nose up at people, gifts, service. A lady is poised and proper but not stuck up.
Keep your spirits and your confidence up, while refraining from ever hurting others by insinuating or eluding to the fact that you are better than anyone, or too good for anything.
These are the lessons that I strive each day to teach my young daughters. Manners are a must, never an optional trait. These are the things that are important to me when raising little ladies, as well as in the way I carry myself and present myself. It is important to me because I respect myself, and others enough to hold myself accountable and to keep my standards for myself and others high. I hope you will find as much enjoyment from these posts as I do. They are fitting for all ages! Thank you for joining me today, and for taking the time to read my blog. It truly is an honor and a blessing to have you here.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Living Crude { and a winner }
Monday, October 26, 2015
Grace & Gratitude
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Mary & Martha. All opinions are 100% mine.
To say I am obsessed with home decor and anything beautiful I can serve my dinner on, would be a gross understatement. I was thrilled when I found this gorgeous platter that wasn't only beautiful, but it actually spoke to me.
Might sound crazy to have a serving platter speak to you, but if you saw it, you would totally get it!
Here see for yourself:
Well, just as I suspected, the plate was a hit, everyone loved it. Especially me! It feels of great quality without being heavy and difficult to work with/carry. It also cleaned up very easily. It is dishwasher safe and comes out looking just like new.
The ONLY bad thing about this platter is this collection is being retired. They are available while supplies last, except for the Pitcher and the mugs which are promised to be in stock through the spring catalog.