Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to: The "Elsa" Dutch Braid

hey pretty ladies! So I have recently had a plethora of people asking me to show them how to do this Dutch braid! I decided to do a video, because it would just be way easier than trying to type it all out! This is my first video so I'm sorry... For all of it! Haha!!! I hope this helps!!!

My Hair REALLY wants to stay curly!!

All Done! SO fun! Or something....

Hope this helped! Comment below or email me with any questions! :D


Monday, May 23, 2016

Fungshwe.... shway... shueeeeee?

I do not pretend to be an expert in the art of "fungshwe" (or even how to spell it)... honestly, I just like to rearrange furniture.

This morning I woke up and was staring at the wall to my left, thinking, "I really should put something on that empty wall"... less than 30 minutes later I was moving a dresser, pulling a couch out of the nursery, switching dressers around and constructing a "reading tent" equipped with "fairy reading lights"... per the instruction of my little dreamer.

One of the things I love most about "fungshwe" (aka moving furniture/decor around), is how fresh it makes everything feel.

It's substantially cheaper to move stuff around than it is to just go buy new furniture every time you get bored. So here is what I suggest. When you feel it's time for a "change"... Move things around, switch things from one room to another. There is no rule that says "this night stand belongs in here and can never be moved or repurposed". Isn't it great being the boss of all the things!? :D


This room is still not done. We are going to do an accent wall on the headboard wall, just haven't decided if I'm going to stencil it, wall paper it, or batten board. And it still needs a few things here and there, and I'd really like to replace the light. We will also be removing the carpet and putting in the same wood we did down stairs. 



Painted the room white (obviously). Moved stuff around, added some things, and took the dresser (not pictured above) out of the room, and into the baby's room. Also, another side note: I LOVE putting dressers IN closets. It free's up the room so much! I will be bringing the dresser from the other room into this room and putting it in her 2nd closet! 

These lights are temporary. I have ordered some white "fairy" lights to put in the netting, but she was to impatient to wait the 5-7 business days!


Apparently I don't have any before pictures of the baby's room. But I will just tell you. There was no dresser... NO decorations, and the couch that is in the master bedroom was in there. The glider was where the dresser is now, and there was no end table... I pulled that in from the guest bedroom. 

Anyway... That was my fungshwe for the day... Now I'm off to fold a mountain of laundry I've been avoiding all day!  


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kitchen Makeover - Floors Finished

Since this blog has been put on the back burner... I haven't really posted much about what we've been doing around the house lately. This Before and After however was too good not to share. We finally finished the floor in the kitchen, and aside from the finishing moulding and the new backsplash, our kitchen is done! I am in love with the way it turned out! It is so crisp and clean, and just a really great place to be and to gather loved ones! 


Even just the difference between having the floor done and not done is incredible...

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