Tuesday, April 5, 2016

DIY Farmhouse Table

This project has been one I have been itching to do for so SO long.  Until this house, I have never had a "formal" dining room OR a dining room big enough for a table this size. The moment our offer was accepted on this home, I knew exactly what was going to fill that room. But first, I had to paint it, and we had to replace the floor. (there was carpet in there, I did not want carpet in my dining room). So we put ourselves to work.

The week before Easter the table still wasn't done, which was beginning to panic me a little. I was hosting Easter dinner. For the first time EVER. Without this table being built, all I had was a small, square, 4 person table in our breakfast nook. My husband sensed my anxiety and panic and he set to work each night after the girls would go to sleep.

We originally wanted to use the plans from decorandthedog.net, you can see the plans here. However, it wasn't quite as large as I was hoping for, and the legs were WAY more expensive than I wanted to spend. We ended up spending less that $150 total for the entire table, including the stain, instead of spending $77-$115+ PER LEG.

These are our adapted plans for the table, a little larger table and a substantially cheaper option.

Material List
**Everything except the legs were purchased at Home Depot.
4 Table legs (We used these from Lowes, we did have to cut the bottom 4-5” off because the table was too high, but it was a substantially cheaper option at just $25 per leg, literally a fraction of the cost.)
3 - 1"x4"x8'
3 - 2"x4"x8'
5 - 2"x8"x8' (Their plans originally called for 1”x7”x8” but we wanted a thicker table top.)
Wood Glue
1 1/4 - inch pocket hole screws
1 5/8" Brad nails (if using ship lap barn boards)

Cut List
- 1"x4" (Apron boards)
- 2 @ 30.25"
- 2 @ 82"
- 2"x4"
- 5 @ 38"

Attach the 1"x4"s to the legs using pocket hole screws and wood glue, offsetting 3/8" back from the front/sides of the leg tops. 

Assembling the table is easiest done on the floor or work bench if you have one large enough (we used our garage)  it is easiest to assemble it upside down.  Starting from the leg, mark 10.5", 25.5", 40.5", 55.5" and 70.5" on the long 1"x4". Using these marks, attach the 2"x4"s to the 1"x4".

On the first board you are attaching the tabletop, determine the top of the board and then flip it over.  Mark the board using the drawing below.  You need a mark 2" from the end and 1" from the side.  Flip board back over and place it on top of the table matching up the marks with the top corner of the table legs. We used screws to just screw the top of the table on, the original plans said to use a brad nailer, it really is up to you. 

Sand down the top of your table until it is a nice and smooth surface. Once this was done, we (called a friend, because I’m a weakling) moved the table into the dining room and placed it on some drop cloths. We decided to paint it IN the dining room to save the table from being dented or scratched during moving it that might remove paint or stain. 

We used Benjamin Moore Advance in Pure White for the base/legs and then we used Midwax PolyShades in Espresso for the top. We actually ended up only doing one coat on the top because the color was exactly what we wanted after that, and we didn't want to risk it getting too dark. 

It took about 3 nights (working on it after the kids went to sleep) to cut/assemble/paint the table. Some of this was because we would realize we didn’t have enough screws or something, and stores were closed. 

I am in LOVE with my new farmhouse table, and the possibilities for decorating are endless. I have included a few pictures of the table decorated for Easter dinner, and I am just itching to be able to decorate it for Thanksgiving and CHRISTMAS. Sorry, got a little excited there. 

Above everything, I would just say, DON’T be afraid of this project. I am probably in the minority here, but home projects do not scare me. However, this one in particular was not difficult, and it is so fun being able to showcase a custom piece of furniture in our home that we will love and cherish forever. In fact, for our anniversary this year, my husband is getting a piece of wood for the table engraved with our name and anniversary on it.

The dinner table is so much more than just a place to stuff your face. It is where the family comes together, memories are made, stories are shared, and love is the main course. This custom made, with love, table is the perfect addition.

Also the chairs I purchased at Wayfair on Black Friday sales for 50% off. They no longer have these chairs, but they have some pretty similar here

I wish you all the luck, and as always, please do not hesitate to ask me questions. XOXO,


Monday, April 4, 2016

How to keep the General Conference "high"

If you are anything like me, you DREAD the day after the LDS General Conference ends. Like the woman in the scriptures, who knew she could be healed by just touching the hem of His garments, we too can reach out, and receive the blessings we are seeking by simply having faith in HIM!

The feelings that I get during General Conference are so peaceful and hopeful and promising. I don't ever want to let go of that feeling of assurance and comfort that comes from having my home filled with the voices of the disciples of Jesus Christ.

I love the song "Love is Spoken Here", and the verse the boys are written to sing "Mine is a home, where every hour, is blessed by the strength of Priesthood Power." I strive each and every day to ensure that our home is filled with the spirit of the Lord "every hour".

So once the final benediction is given, the conference center is emptied out, the televisions are turned off, radios return to their regular pop culture programming, and the world begins to spin again on its axis called "reality"... what then are we to do to feel that conference "high" for the next 6 months until we are blessed again with the gift we call General Conference?

Here are some of my favorite things to do to keep that feeling in our home:

1. Podcasts: The first thing I do is make sure I have the most current General Conference downloaded onto my phone. There is Podcast (you can download the "podcast app on your phone, tablet, or laptop) called "General Conference | MP3 | English"

I make it a point to listen EVERY day to this podcast. It is the entire conference in different "episodes" so you can pick whichever you want. It has all the music and everything. I absolutely love it. Even if I am not able to tune in as closely as I would like sometimes (kids... ) I just love having the voices of the prophet and apostles fill my home. While I clean, cook, do laundry, etc. I choose this podcast over the radio or other media about 90% of the time. I can honestly tell you my patience in those days is substantially higher, and our home feels more peaceful. My children are not unaware of the presence either, and on the occasion they will surprise me with a question about something they heard while I was listening.

2. Read your notes often: I like to sit with a paper copy of one or two conference talks each week taking more notes, and reviewing the notes that I had written at the time of the broadcast. The inspiration you can receive is NEVER limited to one time. Just like reading the scriptures, you will get something new each time you prayerfully study.

3. Act: Elder Bednar says it time and time again, do not sit and wait for the miracles to happen, you must ACT in order to see the desired results and blessings you are seeking. Make a list of the things that stood out to you to improve on during conference. This can be a list that you place for the entire family, or one just for yourself... or both. During your family home evenings, and family councils, discuss ways you can achieve these goals you have set. If you write them down you are more likely to hold yourself accountable.

4. Meditate: I have recently become a huge advocate for meditation. My favorite time to meditate is during nap/quite time. When I know I can be "left alone" and have the peaceful quiet that I personally need for mediation. There are so many ways to meditate. Some people love yoga, journaling, music, prayer, perfect quiet. Whatever it is that works for you, just do it!! A few hours each week of personal reflection and meditation is a really fantastic way to invite the Spirit to be with you.

5. Watch your Media: I cannot tell you just how quickly you can drive that thick - cut with a knife - spiritual air in your home out when you immediately switch from conference to the television, movies, music, video games, etc. Especially those that are high in foul language, sexual content, crude humor, etc... We choose to leave the tv off, or to let the BYU channel play. I prefer to just turn it off, and spend time as a family. If you turn it off, and just let the spirit continue to work in you, you will continue to receive revelation, and your family will feel more inclined to discuss what they have just learned. This is one of my favorite parts about conference.

There are so many ways to invite this spirit to stay. Life does tend to get crazy, and we can lose the steam and ambition we felt as we heart those inspiring words. But all is not lost, you can always get that feeling back, not just in April and October. I highly encourage you to download the General Conference podcast! As well as other LDS sponsored podcasts. A few of my favorites are: Gospel Solutions for Families, Relief Society, Conversations - A Mormon Channel Original, and of course The General Conference MP3. I also LOVE the LDS station on Pandorad.

I am so grateful for the GOOD that technology can do for us, and the many ways it can invite us to come closer to our Savior. The world is busy and would have us completely forget about the importance of staying close to the spirit, and to stand in holy places "at all times, in all things, and in all places".

Join me for the next 6 months in waiting for the new revelations and inspiring words of General Conference by listening and studying the words we were just given.

This picture is so powerful to me. Christ is with us today, He is not just a story, or a "Prophet of Old". He is the Son of God, our Savior, our Redeemer - and our Brother.

I know my Savior lives. I know He loves me, I know He loves you. I am so grateful for His patience and love, His tenderness and His mercy. I am speechless when I think of the sacrifice He made for me when He atoned for my sins, and was crucified for my salvation. I love Him, deeply, and I have promised that I will do all I can to show Him my gratitude through my life.


Spread The Love - Giveaway

The internet is filled with people telling you how you can be more beautiful and desirable. From makeup companies and youtube tutorials to fashion bloggers, fitnesses coaches and weight loss aids. There is reason at every corner to be concerned with our outward appearance.

Don't get me wrong, I fully enjoy getting dolled up and feeling beautiful, and these things are not bad things by any means. However, In my short 28 years on this earth, I have learned that there truly is nothing more beautiful than a kind heart. The beauty in kindness is two fold. Not only will you feel more beautiful without having to add any fancy clothes or makeup, but others will see you and feel your beauty as well. I have heard my entire life growing up, people say things about how someones "personality" or presence or lack of kindness, can change their physical appearance to those around them. Those who are kind and warm and loving are going to always appear more beautiful to those around them, whereas those who are cruel and selfish... well, you get the idea.

Kindess is about so much more than just beauty, though. Think of the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you, or said to you... You just smiled really big didn't you? Happiness is so connected to kindness that our well being on this earth really depends on our kindness and charity to those around us, as well as theirs to ours.

I have, as I am sure you have as well, seen a heart breaking decline in the kindness that is being shared in this world. We went from a world of chivalry and service, to a world of "I want it now", and "what will I get out of this". Nothing can remove kindness from a person quite as fast as the presence of selfishness.

For there to be real love, there must always be kindness.

For this reason, I am SO excited about this project that I have been working on with some of the kindest, most inspiring women I have ever had the pleasure of making an acquaintance, and am honored to have them part of this project and in doing so, becoming part of my life.

The Project

So what is the project you ask? Well, at first glance it would appear to be just a giveaway... But I assure you, it is so much more than that. It is an attempt at spreading love through as much of social media as possible. There is so much cruelty out there right now, people hiding behind their screens saying such hurtful things. So what we are hoping to do is through this giveaway, through this "Instagram Loop" we want to encourage everyone to share as much love and kindness as they possibly can afford (wanna know the best part... kindness is completely free! Which means everyone can afford A LOT!)

How To Join

We want you... ALL of you, anyone that can possibly spare one minute of their day, to join in this project by going to the Instagram Loop, you can start at any of the following instagram accounts: kelsieloustanfill, thesullengers, tessief11, feelgreatin8, themomentswestand, or missaudreysuedesigns. Follow the loop and comment by tagging friends. That is your entry (Follow all 6 IG accounts and tag a friend - or 100). Here is the catch though... your entry will ONLY count if you say what you love/like about the person/people you have tagged. Each person you tag and leave a kind note/comment for counts as a NEW entry! That's right, you can be entered as many times as you want, just by tagging friends and telling them what you love about them.

The Giveaway

The Giveaway Begins NOW, and ends Sunday Night. We wanted to give as MUCH time as we could to let everyone fill the air waves with LOVE. The winners Will be announced Monday/Tuesday.

What is the giveaway you ask? We have come together with a wonderful "basket" of goodies for SIX lucky winners in this kindness loop (But really, everyone will be a winner because how do you NOT win with kindness and love?)

The Basket: 

- One beautiful Custom design by the incredible Audrey from missaudreysuedesigns
- "The Power of Kindess", a book by Piero Ferrucci
- 50% off a Permanent Make Up procedure done by the lovely Tessie (tessief11) (Must be able to go to Utah for the treatment).
- A Ticket to the next conference given by Ashlee Birk from "The Moments we Stand”, and a set of her amazing books
- A Gratitude journal from the very sweet Ashley Sullenger
- The Premium Package for Tiffany Rudd’s challenge: This comes with Entry, Water bottle, T-Shirt and a real food meal plan.
- The blessing of knowing that you brightened someones day by sharing the love with them

The Team

I am over the moon excited to be working with these incredible women. Truly, to say I am honored is an understatement. Please take a moment to get to know each of the incredible women who are helping me with this project, and who feel just as passionately about spreading love and kindness as I do. **goosbumps** these girls are seriously incredible.

Ashlee Birk

My name is Ashlee. Five years ago, just two months after the birth of my fifth child, my husband was murdered by the husband of a secret mistress. To say I was broken hearted would be an understatement. I was humiliated, scared, and broken to my core. For two years I faked life. I lived half alive. Then one day, not long after the month long murder trial that didn't bring the healing I had waited for . . . I took a breath. I looked around and realized that I had become a victim. I began to plead with God to set me free. Many months later a blog was born. "The Moments We Stand". Each post became an escape of the hidden pain. Each story remembered a blessing of grace to a broken heart. As I wrote my story I remembered it differently. Those times I felt alone all the sudden I could see grace...and knew that God was there. 

Two years later I am the author of two books. The Moments We Stand: Silence Breaks, and The Moments We Stand: Out of the Shadows. I am the founder of A Reason to Stand, a healing conference for survivors of trauma (which by my definition trauma is a moment where your life didn't go according to your plan and you were filled with lies about who you now had to be) 

I love life. I love living it with a purpose and meaning. I love helping people find their connection to God and the mission He sent them to earth to fulfill. 

Tessie Friedli

I'm the wife to a blind man and a mom to a brain injured angel boy! I NEVER imagined either of these in my "story" of life but I have learned that “Life Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Wonderful.” EVERY day is challenging and crazy but I am happier then I have EVER been. Through the heartache and pain that we ALL will experience…we eventually come to taste of the PURE JOY that we never knew existed. I believe with all of my heart that “Your future REALLY is as bright as your FAITH!”

Ashley Sullenger

We are a family of six with our daughter watching over us from heaven. Preslee passed away in 2010, due to an accidental drowning, and a year later we were blessed with our son Ledger. In 2013 we were shocked to learn Cruiz and Cannon (our twin boys!) were on their way. Feel free to cry along with us as we share our thoughts on grief, and laugh as we attempt to raise 3 boys, just two years apart. 

Tiffany Rudd

My name is Tiffany. I am a wife, mother of 4, eating disorder survivor, and the creator and host of the Feel Great in 8 Challenge. What started as a fun way for me and my friends to create healthy habits has become an incredible movement and community that I feel lucky to be part of. I absolutely love helping women break free from a yo-yo dieting cycle and emotional eating and create lasting healthy habits. I also blog delicious, family approved, clean-eating recipes at blog.feelgreatin8.com.

Miss Audrey  Sue

Hey! I'm Audrey. I draw, I read, I write, I play the piano. But mostly, I chase 2 little babes around all day while daydreaming about typography and what patterns mix, and what colors look good together. I also strive to be the best wife and friend I can...all while trying hard to not hate cooking dinners. I've blogged since 2008, designed blogs since 2012, and recently started creating prints to share and brighten the lives of those around me. I truly believe in the power of words and the positive impact they can have on our lives. Seeing a motivational quote on my wall or fridge or nightstand can make all the difference in my day, and I want that for you too!

Kelsie Stanfill

This is me! I am a lover of all things beautiful. I find joy in the little day to day things and am completely fulfilled in my role as a wife and a mother. I can think of no greater joy in this life than to be the mother to my two beautiful daughters. Each day they teach me the greatest lessons life has to offer of love, patience and a Christ-like meekness and charity. I have a passion for kindness and serving those around you. If you think there is no service to be done, simply ask your Father in Heaven which of His children need you this day. 
In my "spare time" I am a DIY home makeover fanatic, transforming our "fixer upper" one room at a time. I love to design, create and see my visions come to life right before my eyes, with the support and skills of my darling husband by my side through it all.
My favorite color is white, my favorite food is Thai and Mediterranean. I love fashion, cheesy movies, and pretty much any and every Holiday. Any excuse for extra decorations and hosting parties, you can be sure I'm all in. Here on my blog I share my love for all these things, my DIY inspirations and how to's and my love of motherhood, my Savior and being a wife and homemaker. 

Thank you for stopping by and getting to know us. We are so excited for this chance to spread the love on Instagram, and we hope you are excited and ready to join in. 

Have a beautiful and happy day!

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